Knee ligament Injury (ACL)
The ACL is the most commonly injured knee ligamen. If you tear your ACL, you’ll probably need surgery to repair it. Most people who tear their ACL make a full recovery and resume playing sports with no long-term consequences. The recovery time for a torn ACL is usually six to nine months.

What is an ACL tear?
An ACL tear is an injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in your knee.
The ACL is one of your knee ligaments. It connects your thigh bone (femur) to your shin bone (tibia). You have one ACL in each knee. It forms an “X” shape inside your knee with your posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). The ACL is closer to the front of your knee. The PCL is closer to the back of your knee. Your ACL is like a strap that connects your bones and prevents your knee from bending or rotating too much. Anything that puts enough force on your knee to bend or twist it farther than its natural limit can injure or tear your ACL.
ACL tears are a common injury, especially among athletes. Visit Dr. Vishal Mandlewala – Renison Knee and Shoulder Clinic if your knee hurts, particularly if the pain started after an injury or physical activity.
Types of ACL Injuries
Dr.Vishal Mandlewala at Renison Knee and Shoulder Clinic usually grade ACL injuries and tears. These grades are a quick way to describe the extent of your injury. ACL injury grades range from one (the least severe) to three (the most severe):
1. Grade one: The injury stretched your ACL enough to damage it, but it’s still in one piece and holding your knee bones together.
2. Grade two: The injury stretched your ACL so much that it was partially torn and loosened.
3. Grade three: A complete tear — your ACL is in two pieces
What are the Symptoms of ACL Tear?
When you injure a knee ligament, it can cause:
Pain and a popping sound when it happens. Your knee will usually swell within 24 hrs. Swelling and pain usually gradually decreases within days. However, if you attempt to return to sports, your knee will probably be unstable and you risk causing further damage to the cushioning cartilage (meniscus) of your knee.
✓ Tenderness along the joint line.
✓ Decrease knee Movement.
✓ Trouble standing or walking.
✓ Instability or fear of twisting of knee while walking.
What are the Causes of ACL Injury?
✓ Quickly stop moving and change direction while running, landing from a jump, or turning.
✓ Fall
✓ Sports Injury
✓ Accident
✓ Inadequate core body strength
✓ Lower extremity musculature imbalances
✓ Inadequate hip muscle strength
✓ Sub-standard footwear
✓ Uneven or artificial playing surfaces
When to Contact a Doctor?
You should see a doctor if:
✓ You can’t walk or move your leg.
✓ Your knee looks weird or is very swollen.
✓ Your knee looks weird or is very swollen.
✓ Your knee makes clicking, popping, or grinding sounds.
✓ Your knee feels weak or gives out when you walk or move.
✓ You can’t fully bend or straighten your knee.
✓ Fear of twisting of knee or fall while walking downstairs.
How to Diagnosed ACL Injury?
Dr. Vishal Mandlewala will Perform examination on you and if required with ask for test to be done like xrays and MRI. MRI will help to evaluate knee ligament, meniscus and cartilage.
What is Treatment of ACL Injury?
Early treatment might include:
✓ Resting your knee.
✓ Putting ice on it.
✓ Using a bandage or brace.
✓ Taking pain medicine.
✓ Doing exercises to strengthen your knee.
Arthroscopy Surgery for ACL Tear
If these treatments don’t work and for Complete ACL Tear you will need Arthroscopy Acl Reconstruction surgery to reconstruct the torn ligament. This is where Dr. Vishal Mandlewala at Renison Knee and Shoulder Clinic can help. Surgery might involve stitching the torn ligament back together or replacing it with a healthy tendon from your own body.
ACL Surgery is usually not done right away. This delay gives the inflammation a chance to resolve, and allows a return of motion before surgery. Performing an ACL reconstruction too early greatly increases the risk of arthrofibrosis, or scar forming in the joint, which would risk a loss of knee motion.
Rehabilitation following ACL Surgery
After your ACL Surgery you will have to follow 6 months rehabilitation protocol of Dr. Vishal Mandlewala- Renison Knee and Shoulder Clinic.
Take Home Message:
ACL injuries can be painful and limit your movement, but with proper care and treatment, you can get back to your activities and Return to Sports. If you’re dealing with a knee ligament injury, Dr. Vishal Mandlewala can provide the guidance and treatment tailored to your needs, helping you recover effectively and return to your Sports.